Problem statement

two springs and two masses
Find the natural frequencies of the system shown in Figure, with $$m_1=m,\ m_2=2m,\ k_1=k,\ and\ k_2=2k$$ Determine the response of the system when $$k=1000\ N/m,\ m=20\ kg$$ and the initial values of the displacements of the masses $$m_1\ and\ m_2\ are\ 1\ and\ -1,\ respectively$$ Note: figure and question is from Mechanical Vibrations Fifth Edition Chapter 5 Problem 5.5 Singiresu S. Rao

Static force balance

$$ m_1\ddot x_1+k_1x_1+k_2(x_1-x_2)=0 $$ $$ m_2\ddot x_2-k_2(x_2-x_1)=0$$ Formatting the equations in terms of x $$ m_1\ddot x_1+(k_1+k_2)x_1-k_2x_2=0 $$ $$ m_2\ddot x_2-k_2x_1+k_2x_2=0$$ Let $$ x=x_0e^{i\omega_nt} $$ $$ -M\ddot x \omega^2_n+Kx=0 $$ Solving for the natural frequencies and the response of the system is just like solving the eigenvalue and eigenvector problem for matrix M and K.

Concluding Remarks

The eigenvalue and eigenvector solvers in numpy have one parameter for the left matrix. That is the right matrix is assumed to be an identity matrix. $$ Ax=\lambda x$$ While eigenvalue and eigenvector solvers in scipy have more parameters including right and left matrix. So here the solver in scipy is used. In the future, I am planning to draw the animation of response in principal and x coordinates.


  1. Eigenvalue eigenvector problem solver in scipy
  2. Eigenvalue and eigenvector problem solver in numpy
  3. Matrix transpose
  4. Matrix square root
  5. Matrix inverse
  6. Matrix product
  7. Symbolic library